Grafana recently added support for Prometheus. Let's take a look at how to get it up and running.

Grafana Prometheus Dashboard

First let's setup a quick Prometheus server to scrape itself so we have some metrics to play with:

tar -xzf prometheus-2.0.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd prometheus-*
cat <<'EOF' > prometheus.yml
 scrape_interval: 10s
 evaluation_interval: 10s
 - job_name: 'prometheus'
    - targets:
      - localhost:9090
./prometheus &

Next let's get Grafana up and running:

tar -xzf grafana-latest.linux-x64.tar.gz
cd grafana-*
./bin/grafana-server &

Adding Prometheus Data Source

  1. Go to :3000
  2. Enter the username admin and password admin, and then click "Log In".
  3. Click "Data Sources" on the left menu
  4. Click "Add new" on the top menu
  5. Add a default data source of type Prometheus with :9090 as the URL

Adding a Dashboard

  1. Click "Dashboards" on the left menu
  2. Click "Home" on the top menu, and then "+ New" at the bottom of the panel that appears
  3. Click the "Graph" box that appears underneath "New Dashboard" in the top left hand side of the screen to add a new graph panel
  4. Click on "Panel Title" and then "Edit" in the small box that appears above
  5. Enter go_goroutines{job='prometheus'} in the "Query" field
  6. Click the eye symbol on the right hand side of screen to see your graph
  7. Click the floppy disk icon on the top menu to save your dashboard
Adding a Graph of Goroutines

Adding a Dashboard of Goroutines

You can use any Prometheus expression in a query, plot multiple expressions and much more. Now that you're up and running go explore more of what's possible with Prometheus and Grafana!